Hello and welcome to a small corner of the web. This is not going to be one of those big time blogs with lots of action. I enjoy home construction.
Now and then I might share some stuff and this is where it will likely be.
Possibly you have arrived here though a link about the "Simple Test Equipment for QRPers" book that I authored with Graham G3MFJ many years ago. We hosted information about the book here. We sold about 800 of them and at that point it was time to call it a day.
Regretfully, though we are occasionally asked, we will not be bringing it back and if you want a copy then EBay and Abebooks are your best bet.
Copyright Notice. It has been suggested that websites like this are public domain. The inference being that if you publish a radio journal that you can help yourself to material without first having the common decency to ask permission.
If you glance down to the bottom of every page here you will see a copyright notice. This clearly means that my articles are not in the public domain. I am very happy to support your non commercial club/organisation if you find anything that you want to use - but you should quite reasonably consider yourself somewhat lacking in honour (and simple manners) if you do not ask me first.
Current Article.
Accurate Attenuators and Calibration Standards.